Alchemyze - Alignment for your Mind Body and Soul
Alchemyze 8 week immersion. Includes 2 live monthly group sessions and coaching, negative life pattern readings and oracle card messages to help align you with your inner power and transform your life.
Habit Overhaul
We use the science behind habit formation to teach you the secrets behind creating successful habits. This workshop is confronting and informative and will teach you how to break old habits and create successful habits.
Holistic Life Planning Workshop
The Holistic Life Planning Workshop will give you 3 effective tools to help you achieve SMART goals in all areas of your life.
Successful Goal Setting & Planning
Chase goals you can achieve by implementing the system we use to set and reach your goals. Create a complete and thorough plan you can start following now under the care of experts who know how to bring about change!
Improve Motivation
Learn the truth about motivation, how to become the person who is more motivated plus the key to creating a successful lifestyle change. Our questionnaire and tips will help you start making changes right now!
How To Live In Alignment With Your Goals & Values
The simplest approach to transformation is understanding your core values! If you’re quick to give in or give up, you have a belief system that is failing you. Reprogram the belief system making your journey difficult and learn how to create lasting